3.1 : The 11 Shifts of Education Blueprint 2013-2025 to Transform the System
"11 Anjakan"

Of the total nine priority areas I had mentioned in the previous post week 2, the Ministry has identified 11 shifts are needed to produce the desired change by all Malaysians. Over 90 % of the views expressed by the public through the National Dialogue in the tour is included in the National Education Preliminary Report of the Education Development Plan.
Shift 1: Provide Equal Access to Quality Education of An International Standard
Students are said to have gained control of knowledge when they are able to analyze information, think critically, apply knowledge creatively and communicate effectively. These are the features of higher-order thinking skills already possessed by students in the advanced countries.
- Learning shortcuts, other than mainstream learning
(complete secondary school study in 4 yrs, 5 yrs in primary school)
-Administration & exams will prioritize critical thinking skills
(80% high level questions in UPSR 2016)-Duration of compulsory education is increased from 6 years to 11 years
(expand educational access, technical & vocational training)- Each student gets the same learning opportunities
(Increase investment in physical resources and special education)
Shift 2: Ensure that each pupil is proficient in Bahasa Malaysia and English- Linus program- All 70,000 English teachers pass Cambridge Placement Test (CPT) in two years- Intensive training for teachers-not standard- Introduce standard English curriculum at the primary level include national-type schools (S.K)- Encourage each student to learn additional languages such as Chinese, Tamil or Arabic language and the native language or other international languages.
Shift 3: Develop Values- Driven Malaysians- Moral. ethical, religious, civic elements, Patriotism- Involve more activity like role play, simulations, discussions, and assignments in small groups in Moral Education- Muslim & Non-Muslim Students Share class during Class Morality & Islam-Continue 1Murid program 1Sukan 1Kelab and 1Badan uniform-Proceed School Integration Plan (RIMUP)
Shift 4: Transform Teaching into the Profession of Choice- Tightened conditions (only 30% of top achievers cluster join the teaching profession.)- Competency-based teacher career paths and performance ( DG 41 - DG54)- Focus on the core functions of teaching
Shift 5: Ensure High-Performance Leader Stationed at Every School- Criteria for selection of principals and teachers based on competency- Strengthen the process of succession planning principals and headmasters from 2013- Place teachers & principals in rural / poor area.
Shift 6: Empower JPNs, PPDs and Schools to Provide Customized Solutions Based on the Needs
-School Improvement Specialist Coaches or SISC +) and (School Improvement Partners or SiPartners) full-time at the district level.- Coach is responsible for providing direct guidance to low-performing schools- Operating flexibility on budget allocation and implementation of the curriculum
(start with good performance school first)
Shift 7: Leverage Technology (ICT) to Improve the Quality of Learning- 1BestariNet implementation of all 10,000 schools by the end of 2013-Access to the 4G network in school
Shift 8: Transform Ministry's Delivery Capabilities and Capasity-The structure of the ministry organization will be restructured so that the function does not overlap.-PPD, key agencies directly involved in monitoring and managing the performance of schools.-JPN, focusing on the coordination and delivery of all plans, as well as being an important linkage between policy makers and implementers on the ground.
Shift 9: Expanding Cooperation with Parents, Communities, and the Private Sector- Expand the reach of School Examination Analysis System (saps), to enable parents to monitor their child's progress in school online.- Feedback from each local PTA on the implementation of curriculum and quality of teachers from the year 2016- Increase the number of trust schools to 500 by 2025- Involves alumni and potential non-governmental organizations as organizers.
Shift 10: Maximize Students' Outcomes with Every Ringgit Spent.- Results Based Budgeting (Outcome-Based Budgeting)- Improve efficiency in managing expenses, giving priority to the most critical areas such as skills upgrading and training of teachers.
Shift 11: Increase the Transparency for Direct Public Accountability.- Annual Report on the progress of this plan targets and initiatives will be published for public viewing from 2013- Comprehensive review in 2015, 2020 and 2025
1. Pelan Pendidikan Pembangunan Malaysia 2013-2025. Retrieved from,
3.2: The Importance of Early Childhood Education, from "Laporan Sir Christopher Ball, 1994"

1. Basic and preparation for the coming life.
2. Children grow in the manner and rate vary in terms of intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social,
moral and physical.
3. All children have abilities that can be identified and enhanced.
4. Children learn from what happened to them and around them.
5. Children learn effectively through action / do it themselves.
6. Children learn effectively when they are actively involved and interested.
7. Children who have self confidence have a basic "Headstart" to learn.
8. Children need time and space to produce quality work.
9. What children know is the starting point to study.
10. Play and chat is the primary way children learn about themselves them, other people and the outside world.
11. Children are encouraged to think that they have the ability to act on their own.
12. Relationships among children and adults is important for personal development.
Mengapa pendidikan awal kanak-kanak penting, laporan Sir Christopher Ball 1994. Retrieved from, http://tadikasenikreatif.blogspot.com/2011/02/aktiviti-2010.html
3.3 Headstart
A Copy from Head Start Office, Administration for Children and Families About Head Start:
Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development.
Head Start programs provide a learning environment that supports children's growth in the following domains:
- language and literacy;
- cognition and general knowledge;
- physical development and health;
- social and emotional development; and
- approaches to learning.
Head Start emphasizes the role of parents as their child's first and most important teacher. Head Start programs build relationships with families that support:
- family well-being and positive parent-child relationships;
- families as learners and lifelong educators;
- family engagement in transitions;
- family connections to peers and community; and
- families as advocates and leaders.
Head Start Services
Head Start serves preschool-age children and their families. Many Head Start programs also provide Early Head Start, which serves infants, toddlers, pregnant women and their families who have incomes below the federal poverty level.Head Start programs offer a variety of service models, depending on the needs of the local community. Programs may be based in:
- centers or schools that children attend for part-day or full-day services;
- family child care homes; and/or
- children's own homes, where a staff person visits once a week to provide services to the child and family. Children and families who receive home-based services gather periodically with other enrolled families for a group learning experience facilitated by Head Start staff.
History of Head start:
1965: Jule Sugarma launched Headstart.
( It was originally a few weeks summer school program for low-income children to catch up what they need to know to start kindergarten.)
(The program was led by Dr. Robert Cooke, a pediatrician at Johns Hopkins University, and Dr. Edward Zigler, a professor of psychology and director of the Child Study Center at Yale University.)
1968: Head Start began funding a program that would eventually be called 'Sesame Street' (children TV series)
1969: Head Start transfer to Department of Health, Education and Wealfare.
1994: Early Hears Start Program was established to serve child from birth to 3 years old.
2007: Head Start start to serve homeless children, within reasonable period.
Qualifications of Teachers in Head Start:
Section 648A of the Head Start Act lays out guidelines for the training of Head Start teachers and aides. All teachers must have associate degrees in a related field by 2013, and half must have bachelor's degrees.
Real Situation of Head Start class in Tuesday April 3, 2012.
Obama And Head Start
Early Head Start
1. Head Start Office,Administration for Children and Families. About Head Start. Retrieved fromhttp://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/hs/about
2. Wikipedia, Head Start Program. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_Start_Program
5. Youtube. Obama and Head Start Program. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poZo2KLflF8
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