Monday, 25 March 2013

Sunshine Week 5

5.1 : Multiple Inteligence by Howard Gardner 

Howard Gardner believed that everyone is unique. Everyone have his own strengths and differences.
There are 8 Major Inteligences:

- Body-kinesthetic
- Naturalist
- Lingustic Literacy
- Logical Mathematics
- Musical- Audiology
- Intrapersonal
- Interpersonal
- Visual-Spatial

5.2: Theory Constructivism by Jean Piaget  

When v talk about Constructivism, there are actually social constructivism and cognitive constructivism:

SOCIAL Constructivism is the work of Lev Vygosky. He emphasizes the influences of cultural and social contexts in learning and supports a discovery model of learning. This type of model places the teacher in an active role while the students' mental abilities develop naturally through various paths of discovery.

COGNITIVE constructivism is developed by JEAN PIAGET. It is a theory of development that describes how learners develop cognitive abilities. Piaget's theory of cognitive development proposes that humans cannot be given information, in which they immediately understand and use. Instead, learners must construct their own knowledge. They build their knowledge through experience. Experiences enable them to create schemas — mental models of the world. These schemas are changed, enlarged, and made more sophisticated through two complimentary processes: assimilation and accommodation.

Cognitive constructivism is based on two different senses of construction.First, on the idea that people learn by actively constructing new knowledge, not by having information poured into their heads.Moreover, constructivism asserts that people learn with particular effectiveness when they are engaged in constructing personally meaningful artifacts (e.g. computer programs, animations).


5.3: What is Play-based Learning

The Early Years Learning Framework defines play-based learning as:
‘A context for learning through which children organize and make sense of their social worlds, as they engage actively with people, objects and representations (DEEWR, 2009, p. 46).

5.4: Activities for 0-6 months old Infant

Enjoy Mozart Music!!
 ( To stimulate the music sense)
WHY: After 2 months old, infant are able to differentiate the song's rhythm and the strong/ soft of the music.

[ Divertimento K.136 by Mozart]

Baby Massage
( To stimulate the body development)
Why: Baby massage can help to create bonding among mother and baby. Besides, massage can help to prevent some daily mere sickness for example constipation.

Black White & Base Colors Flash Card
( To stimulate the visual of baby for Art Development)Why: Visual of newborn to 1 month old baby still blur, however they can see things within 20cm, black and white color can be seen by baby this time. After 5 months, baby will have the concept of colors. Base colors( red, yellow, blue) flash cards/ Bells can help to improve the sense of colors.
Infant Stimulation Black and White Patterns

Handplay- Round & Round the Garden Like A Teddy Bear
(To stimulate the sensory motor)
Why:  Body touch can help to enhance the social adaptation of baby towards the surroundings. It also promote the sense of humour.


Exploration to The Nature- Walking/ Crawling on the Grass
( To stimulate the sense of curious & discovery)

Why: Taking off the baby'shoes, let their body/hand to touch/hold and feel the grass/leaves/sand can help them to discover the surrounding and help to train their focus and observation skill too.

Baby Glenn Doman Mathematics Flash Card
( To cultivate the sense of Numbers) 
Take 3-5 minutes to read and show the number(quantity of the object) to your baby twice/3 times everyday. Make sure they are not tired/ bored during the session. Read with passion and praise your baby after reading. It helps your baby to have the concept of number in the earlier stage, rather than numeral (symbols of numbers for example 1, 2, 39...)

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